
Big Data Analytics – (Basic)

  • Course level: Intermediate



In this course, you will learn how big data is driving organisational change and the key challenges organizations face when trying to analyse massive data sets. This course focuses on learning fundamental techniques, such as data mining and stream processing. You will also learn how to design and implement PageRank algorithms using MapReduce, a programming paradigm that allows for massive scalability across hundreds or thousands of servers in a Hadoop cluster. You will learn how big data has improved web search and how online advertising systems work.

By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of the various applications of big data methods in industry and research.


Candidates interested must have with prior knowledge in any programming language, Data Structures and Algorithms and SQL. This course is more suitable for freshers who seek for a fundamental understanding of Big Data.

Package Requisites

Software- Apache Hadoop, Java Version 1.8


Module 1: Basics and Characteristics of Big Data and Dimensions of Scalability

  1. Understand the four V’s of Big Data (Volume, Velocity, and Variety)
  2. Build models for data
  3. Understand the occurrence of rare events in random data.

Module 2: Web and social networks

  1. Understand characteristics of the web and social networks
  2. Model social networks
  3. Apply algorithms for community detection in networks.

Module 3: Clustering big data

  1. Clustering social networks
  2. Apply hierarchical clustering
  3. Apply k-means clustering.

Module 4: Google web search

  1. Understand the concept of PageRank
  2. Implement the basic
  3. PageRank algorithm for strongly connected graphs
  4. Implement PageRank with taxation for graphs that are not strongly connected.

Module 5: Parallel and distributed computing using MapReduce

  1. Understand the architecture for massive distributed and parallel computing
  2. Apply MapReduce using Hadoop
  3. Compute PageRank using MapReduce.

Module 6: Computing similar documents in big data

  1. Measure importance of words in a collection of documents
  2. Measure similarity of sets and documents
  3. Apply local sensitivity hashing to compute similar documents.
  4. Module 7: Products frequently bought together in stores (2 Hours)
  5. Understand the importance of frequent item sets
  6. Design association rules; Implement the A- Priori algorithm.

Module 8: Movie and music recommendations

  1. Understand the differences of recommendation systems
  2. Design content-based recommendation systems
  3. Design collaborative filtering recommendation systems.

Module 9: Google’s AdWordsTM System

  1. Understand the AdWords System
  2. Analyse online algorithms in terms of competitive ratio
  3. Use online matching to solve the AdWords problem.

Module 10: Mining rapidly arriving data streams

  1. Understand types of queries for data streams
  2. Analyse sampling methods for data streams
  3. Count distinct elements in data streams
  4. Filter data streams.


  • Basic knowledge of Big Data
  • Candidates will be able to navigate through Hadoop
  • Applying tools like MapReduce on Hadoop

Student Feedback


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organizations can use big data analytics systems and software to make data-driven decisions that can improve business-related outcomes. the benefits may include more effective marketing, new revenue opportunities, customer personalization and improved operational efficiency. with an effective strategy, these benefits can provide competitive advantages over rivals.
Big data analytics course help me to enhance my skills .

I learning to myra'sAcademy thank you myra'sAcademy for creating such a wonderful training program.

Big Data allows organisations to detect trends, and spot patterns that can be used for future benefit. It can help to detect which customers are likely to buy products, or help to optimise marketing campaigns by identifying which advertisement strategies have the highest return on investment.
The range of technologies that a good big data analyst must be familiar with is huge.
I really enjoyed the Introduction to Big data analytics course in myra academy. The instructer is so experienced and at the same time the examples where given while sessions made me learning quick.
Thank you Myra Academy for your excellence teaching .

Big Data allows organisations to detect trends, and spot patterns that can be used for future benefit. It can help to detect which customers are likely to buy products, or help to optimise marketing campaigns by identifying which advertisement strategies have the highest return on investment.

The range of technologies that a good big data analyst must be familiar with is huge.
I really enjoyed the Introduction to Big data analytics course in myra academy. The instructer is so experienced and at the same time the examples where given while sessions made me learning quick.

Thank you Myra Academy for your excellence teaching .

“If you are a beginner or enthusiast like me, and want to learn data analytics from the most basic, Myra Academy has got you. Before starting the Big Data Analytics Basic Course, I have my own questions. Why is this course better than the free courses I already have? What I learned here that I can't find on any other platforms? Nevertheless, I still believed in and followed this process, and the final result was satisfactory.
Their real-life example, data representation, and course structure are laid out in such a way that complicated data systems will be explained within the simplest way possible. Live projects have helped me bridge the gap between textbook and the corporate world. The trainers are extremely skilled and well trained and their experience is well evidenced by this course.
Towards the end of this course, your narrow mindset will switch to an analytical mindset which will set you apart in your interviews. ”

“If you are a beginner and enthusiastic like me to learn data analytics from the most basic ,then Myra Academy provide you best opportunity.

Before starting the Big data analytics basic course, I have some Questions or queries like why is this course better than the free courses I already have ? What I learn extra here ? What I learnt here that I can’t find on any other platform ? Nevertheless, I still believed in and followed this process and finally got satisfactory result.

Their real life example ,data representation and and course structure are laid out in such a way that complicated data systems will be explained within the simplest way possible .Life project be help me bridge the gap between textbook and the corporate world .The trainer and extremely skills and well trained and their experience is Wales evidenced by this course.
At the end of this course your narrow mindsets will switch on to analytical mindset which will set your apart in your interviews.”

Image of a magnifying glass,blue colour book and pie chart is there where 3 men and 3 women are working and trying to analysing something where at the middle right side of the page BIG data Analytics is written and blue background is there and they are analysing the growth of myra's academy through pie chart

Enrolment validity: Lifetime
