Week 1-2: Java Basics and Front-End Development Days 1-5 (Java Basics)
1. Java syntax, variables, data types
2. Control flow (if, switch, loops)
3. Object oriented programming concepts (classes, objects, inheritance)
4. Exception handling
Days 6-10 (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
1. HTML structure and elements
2. CSS styling and layout
3. JavaScript fundamentals (variables, functions, DOM manipulation)
Week 3-4: Back-End Development with Java
Days 11-15 (Servlets and JSP)
1. Introduction to Serviets
2. JavaServer Pages (JSP)
3. Handling HTTP requests and responses
Days 16-20 (Java Spring Boot)
1. Introduction to Spring Boot
2. Building RESTful APIs
3. Connecting to a database (e.g., MySQL or H2)
Enrolment validity: Lifetime